Monday, April 22, 2013

April 21 SPEC Cambie Garden

More planting, last week cabbage, this week beets (Red Ace and Early Wonder Tall Top) and kale

The peas, lettuce greens and potatoes have sprouted (Russian Blue and Yukon Gold) time to start hilling up

And our harvest this week, Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Bright Lights Chard and Red Russian Kale - both leaves and flower buds

Monday, April 15, 2013

Cambie Garden Spring Cleaning - April 14

The weather cooperated, and we were able to do some spring cleaning, trellis prep and compost bin area clean up

The Purple Sprouting Broccoli and Red Russian Kale continue to provide a bountiful harvest - here is a website with some great ideas for using all those early spring greens


Monday, April 8, 2013

Almost Forgot!!

Our harvest from April 7th

Purple Sprouting Broccoli and Russian Red kale - great for kale chips!!

Cambie SPEC Garden - April 7

A productive day in the garden today .........

Cleared out the raspberry runners from Bed 1 and block-planted 3 types of lettuce (Amish Deer Tongue, Red Salad Bowl, Rouge d'Hiver) and some mescluns

Yukon Gold and Russian Blue potatoes were planted in Bed 8 two weeks ago, and because we all love home-grown potatoes,  the rest were planted in Bed 3 today.  Trench method was used.

We also planted peas, both Homesteader (aka Lincoln) and Oregon Sugar Pod II on each side of the trellis

The garden is looking lush and healthly, thanks to both the soil and the wonderful, almost summer-like weather we enjoyed during the Easter weekend.  We decided to keep the flowering broccoli to feed the pollinators and the garlic is thriving.  Ah, Spring, such a wonderful time of the year!